1. Acknowledge you Love that individual and write down all the things that made that individual special to you. All the potential you saw when you fell in love with them. Write down all the dreams they had for themselves. Because you saw something in them that touched your heart. You had hopes & dreams for them.
2. Collect all the photos, and mementos of them and that’s if you haven’t burnt them and if you have go onto their facebook page, and grab a picture of that… it’s not a 100% necessary but it will make it a bit more fun. (This isn’t about making a voodoo doll and pushing pins in to cause pain, it is about a much higher ambition we have in mind here.)
3. What we plan to do is to help you release that person you love to follow their life purpose and to honor the integrity of the love you have shared together. But in order to release both of you to move forward, you have to let them go. That’s easier said than done and that’s why we are going to ask you to carefully follow these instructions and let the process work for you.
4. So you have those attributes of that person listed, their desires, dreams. … now we want you to write a story where in that special person will be the hero in the story. They will achieve all those dreams…. This doesn’t mean you have to put in another person in your story for them to be in relationship with… it is not about relationships… it is about their dreams, … and about you releasing them to fulfill their dreams… and them becoming the best of all that they can be. Now.. .REmember you will not be in the story that is not to say that sometime in the future that may not happen but that is not what this story is about… It’s about you releasing them. Allowing them to fly… but also realizing that both of you move forward towards your dreams , you are both going to change and the next time you meet , you might honestly wonder what you saw in them… It is very important it is about them being released without any attachments coming from you… Negative or Positive… and any future expectations or attachments to what will happen in the future other than you releasing them into the future…
5. Now you are going to need an notebook , something to write on… and we are going to make a picture book… ideally you are going to make a picture book… a colleague… such as gluing feathers… something that this person dreamt of… and since it may be a male… gluing a picture of his dream car… his dream house… onto the board…. But what is important at this stage… is the acts of kindness you have had them exhibit in your story.. .such as rescuing a whale… cat,,,, carrying people to safety in this person is in the military for example… or being in the peace corp if that is their interest… remember it is about what their interests are when you were together…. finished college and their dream was to go to Africa… put this in your story…. cut out a map of Africa …. so you are seeing them in the future…
6. This is where it leads us to the most important point… you may or may not wish to give it to them… if you do , take a photo of it as the more effort you put into this without becoming OCD … you can become quite proud of your own efforts and creativitiy… but here is the most important point… You are Releasing them without expectations, without attachments so they are free to fill their destiny and dreams. But what you are also doing is creating the space and vortex for you to move into your own destiny and dreams… Where you are your own hero…. and creating space for others and creating space for others to be in your life….
7. You have created the Possibility for both of you to move forward with honor, integrity but also allowing that in the future if you come in contact with that person that both of you have changed.
This is the most beautiful and loving thing you could ever do for them… and if you do it right.. with the right sense of purpose.. don’t be surprised if you find yourself weeping and experiencing both joy and sadness but that is part of the process…