Channel: Groovy Green Goddess – Lacey Dawn Jackson
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Staying with the parents while we get our Tiny House done has been great in many ways.  It certainly has been an adjustment on all of us.  We have been sleeping out in the van most of the time so it is like camping except we are in the back yard under the trees with a hammock where I can sit leisurely in the shade on a hot day listening to the birds and an occasional squirrel scolding another up in the trees.  There is one sound though that keeps constant through the hours and that is the sawing of wood, and the hammering of nails.  About 200 yards through the trees the Tiny House is being put together with much love and perfection.  The question comes to me whether the little house will be finished by the middle of September or not.  Our goal is to have it ready to sleep in within the week.  This along with other concerns have slowly gotten to me and has caused anxiety which causes physical pain as well as sleepless nights.  After waking up and hardly able to move I decided I needed to revisit my list of things I can do to eliminate the stress I was feeling.   Sometimes stress will show up through body aches, negativity, lack of energy along with many other symptoms.  When life changes even in a positive and nurturing way, we don’t think stress would be something we need to contend with but we do.  It is a reminder we always have to take care of ourselves no matter if our lives are going good or not.  So I got out my list of stress relieving things to do and thought I would share a few of them with you.


  1. Get a Massage  (I scheduled one today!)
  2.   Aromatherapy   (made note “get aromatherapy out of storage”)
  3.   Stretching  (it only takes 15 minutes out of the day)
  4.   Sex  (watch out honey!)
  5.   Take a Bath   (make sure you have bubbles)
  6.   Stop and smell the Roses   (and all the other nice flowers)
  7.   Breathe Deep  (Inhale deeeep…. HOLD….Exhale long)


It is always a good thing when we can do one or more of these activities each day to ensure the utmost health and wellbeing.   There are a lot of different things we can do for ourselves each day to eliminate stress.  What is important is we take the time to do them.


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