In January I never imagined I would be living in Ireland by the end of March. Ireland was on my ‘to do” list but to think I would be there so soon was unthinkable. In other words I was happy living in my little condo by the Puget Sound doing my every day things such as writing, doing intuitive readings and walking the beach. 2013 was my year to nest and go through my boxes. All my things had been in storage for the past couple years as I had lived in the San Juan Islands and Port Townsend dreaming of what I was going to do next with only a few of my precious items and a small suitcase of clothes (okay… a big suitcase of clothes).
Literally the same week I had unpacked my last box, an opportunity of going to Ireland manifested (which is a long story within itself). Knowing the importance of following our hearts desire, I called a few friends and invited them to come over and take whatever they wanted. I also gave lots of my things away to charity and put some of my prized possessions such as my crystal ball, faerie sticks, and stones I have found over the years in the foster care of loved ones.
I found myself in Ireland for three months not traveling around like many thought I should but instead I delved deep into finishing one of a few book projects I have started over the years. I took breaks by walking up to a Mother Mary holy well at the end of the property or walking down the hill to the ocean. On other days, I rode my bike to the seal sanctuary only a couple miles away to visit the seals and other animals that had been rescued.
The plan was to come back to the states after 3 months and travel around in our van for three months. In the past few years I have learned not to have an expectation or an attachment with anyone or anything. (Well so I thought I had no attachment!) The first week, we went to the sand dunes in Oregon and enjoyed time with the family. The second week we worked on the van to get it ready to hit the road. The third week I thought we should be on the road by then and realized it wasn’t happening. The fourth week I am just plain grumpy. Nothing is going as planned. It is taking much longer to get the van going than first thought. The last thing I had in my mind was to stay at my parents. My house is being occupied so we couldn’t very well crash there. I had days to reflect upon my expectation of how I mapped my summer out and the fact that so far it wasn’t turning out the way I wanted it to. It was effecting my mood. Why couldn’t I be zen no matter where I was or what was unfolding? Why couldn’t I be in the present moment and know everything was exactly the way it was supposed to be instead of looking at my calendar and seeing my plan was to be in San Francisco two days ago?
The fifth week we take off with van loaded and ready to head south. We get on interstate 5 and take the next exit because my honey wants coffee from McDonalds. (Red being a New Zealand/Irish citizen is convinced the best way to observe us Americans is to sit at McDonalds drinking coffee and I am starting to believe him!)
The van doesn’t start! Red being of zen mind suggests we let it sit for a half hour and start it. Me with the not so zen mind (because we should have left two weeks ago) works on being in the moment asking Red every few minutes if it is time to start it yet. A half hour did the trick. The van started right up. Because we still needed to top off the gas tank, we decided to continue down the road unless, of course, the van decided not to start after getting gas. That is exactly what happened. I threw up my hands and went into the back of the van. I sat down on the bed and sulked. I could hear Red saying, “We will let her sit for a few minutes and start her again”. I wondered how he could remain so positive and zen like. I started breathing deep and wondered if I would hyperventilate myself if I continued at the rate I found myself breathing in order to reach the state of zen. We got the van pushed out of the way and sat waiting for just the right moment to start the van which according to Red would be a half hour.
A half hour went by and Red started the van. By this time it was decided we needed to head back to my parents. As we were getting back on the freeway to the next exit, I said, “I am not going back to my parents, not yet anyway! We are going to get our van to Millersylvania State park and camp there. Later that evening, I had told my parents we would call them that evening to tell them we were at our first destination, Long Beach. When my mom picked up the phone, I said, “We made it!” I had hoped she wouldn’t ask if everything had gone well on the van, but she did. So I had to tell her our story and that we were camping down the street for the rest of the week. By that time I had arrived at the zen place I had been working so hard to get to so it didn’t bother me when I heard my mom and dad laugh hysterically over the phone.
We are in the sixth week and still at my parents. They are gone for the week so we are house sitting, watering the flowers and eating lots of goodies out of their garden. I continue to learn how to be zen like as well as live in the present moment without expectations of the future. At this point I am not sure we will make it to San Francisco or Colorado or even to the other side of the mountains but I am sure that I can make the best of the current situation… well today in this moment anyways!